Inherits IDisposable, ICloneable, IConvertible, and IComparable.
| mpz_t () |
| Initializes a new mpz_t to 0. More...
| mpz_t (mpz_t op) |
| Initializes a new mpz_t to the same value as op. More...
| mpz_t (uint op) |
| Initializes a new mpz_t to the unsigned int op. More...
| mpz_t (int op) |
| Initializes a new mpz_t to the int op. More...
| mpz_t (double op) |
| Initializes a new mpz_t to the double op. More...
| mpz_t (string s, uint _base) |
| Initializes a new mpz_t to string s, parsed as an integer in the specified base. More...
| mpz_t (string s) |
| Initializes a new mpz_t to string s, parsed as an integer in base 10. More...
| mpz_t (BigInteger op) |
| Initializes a new mpz_t to the BigInteger op. More...
| mpz_t (long op) |
| Initializes a new mpz_t to the long op. More...
| mpz_t (ulong op) |
| Initializes a new mpz_t to the unsigned long op. More...
| mpz_t (byte[] bytes, int order) |
void | Dispose () |
void | FromByteArray (byte[] source, int order) |
void | ImportByOffset (byte[] source, int startOffset, int endOffset, int order) |
byte[] | ToByteArray (int order) |
mpz_t | ChangeBit (int bitIndex, int value) |
mpz_t | Abs () |
| Returns a new mpz_t which is the absolute value of this value. More...
mpz_t | Negate () |
mpz_t | Complement () |
mpz_t | Add (mpz_t x) |
mpz_t | Add (int x) |
mpz_t | Add (uint x) |
mpz_t | Subtract (mpz_t x) |
mpz_t | Subtract (int x) |
mpz_t | Subtract (uint x) |
mpz_t | Multiply (mpz_t x) |
mpz_t | Multiply (int x) |
mpz_t | Multiply (uint x) |
mpz_t | Square () |
mpz_t | Divide (mpz_t x) |
mpz_t | Divide (int x) |
mpz_t | Divide (uint x) |
mpz_t | Divide (mpz_t x, out mpz_t remainder) |
mpz_t | Divide (int x, out mpz_t remainder) |
mpz_t | Divide (int x, out int remainder) |
mpz_t | Divide (uint x, out mpz_t remainder) |
mpz_t | Divide (uint x, out uint remainder) |
mpz_t | Divide (uint x, out int remainder) |
mpz_t | Remainder (mpz_t x) |
bool | IsDivisibleBy (mpz_t x) |
bool | IsDivisibleBy (int x) |
bool | IsDivisibleBy (uint x) |
mpz_t | DivideExactly (mpz_t x) |
| Divides exactly. Only works when the division is gauranteed to be exact (there is no remainder). More...
mpz_t | DivideExactly (int x) |
mpz_t | DivideExactly (uint x) |
mpz_t | DivideMod (mpz_t x, mpz_t mod) |
mpz_t | And (mpz_t x) |
mpz_t | Or (mpz_t x) |
mpz_t | Xor (mpz_t x) |
mpz_t | Mod (mpz_t mod) |
mpz_t | Mod (int mod) |
mpz_t | Mod (uint mod) |
int | ModAsInt32 (int mod) |
uint | ModAsUInt32 (uint mod) |
mpz_t | ShiftLeft (int shiftAmount) |
mpz_t | ShiftRight (int shiftAmount) |
mpz_t | PowerMod (mpz_t exponent, mpz_t mod) |
mpz_t | PowerMod (int exponent, mpz_t mod) |
mpz_t | PowerMod (uint exponent, mpz_t mod) |
mpz_t | Power (int exponent) |
mpz_t | Power (uint exponent) |
mpz_t | InvertMod (mpz_t mod) |
bool | TryInvertMod (mpz_t mod, out mpz_t result) |
bool | InverseModExists (mpz_t mod) |
mpz_t | Sqrt () |
mpz_t | Sqrt (out mpz_t remainder) |
mpz_t | Sqrt (out bool isExact) |
mpz_t | Root (int n) |
mpz_t | Root (uint n) |
mpz_t | Root (int n, out bool isExact) |
mpz_t | Root (uint n, out bool isExact) |
mpz_t | Root (int n, out mpz_t remainder) |
mpz_t | Root (uint n, out mpz_t remainder) |
bool | IsPerfectSquare () |
bool | IsPerfectPower () |
bool | IsProbablyPrimeRabinMiller (uint repetitions) |
mpz_t | NextPrimeGMP () |
mpz_t | RemoveFactor (mpz_t factor) |
mpz_t | RemoveFactor (mpz_t factor, out int count) |
int | CountOnes () |
int | HammingDistance (mpz_t x, mpz_t y) |
int | IndexOfZero (int startingIndex) |
int | IndexOfOne (int startingIndex) |
override int | GetHashCode () |
bool | Equals (mpz_t other) |
override bool | Equals (object obj) |
bool | Equals (int other) |
bool | Equals (uint other) |
bool | Equals (long other) |
bool | Equals (ulong other) |
bool | Equals (double other) |
bool | EqualsMod (mpz_t x, mpz_t mod) |
bool | EqualsMod (int x, int mod) |
bool | EqualsMod (uint x, uint mod) |
int | CompareTo (object obj) |
int | CompareTo (mpz_t other) |
int | CompareTo (int other) |
int | CompareTo (uint other) |
int | CompareTo (long other) |
int | CompareTo (ulong other) |
int | CompareTo (float other) |
int | CompareTo (double other) |
int | CompareAbsTo (object obj) |
int | CompareAbsTo (mpz_t other) |
int | CompareAbsTo (int other) |
int | CompareAbsTo (uint other) |
int | CompareAbsTo (long other) |
int | CompareAbsTo (ulong other) |
int | CompareAbsTo (double other) |
mpz_t | Clone () |
BigInteger | ToBigInteger () |
override string | ToString () |
string | ToString (uint @base) |
static mpz_t | init2 (ulong n) |
static mpz_t | operator- (mpz_t x) |
static mpz_t | operator~ (mpz_t x) |
static mpz_t | operator+ (mpz_t x, mpz_t y) |
static mpz_t | operator+ (mpz_t x, int y) |
static mpz_t | operator+ (int x, mpz_t y) |
static mpz_t | operator+ (mpz_t x, uint y) |
static mpz_t | operator+ (uint x, mpz_t y) |
static mpz_t | operator- (mpz_t x, mpz_t y) |
static mpz_t | operator- (int x, mpz_t y) |
static mpz_t | operator- (mpz_t x, int y) |
static mpz_t | operator- (uint x, mpz_t y) |
static mpz_t | operator- (mpz_t x, uint y) |
static mpz_t | operator++ (mpz_t x) |
static mpz_t | operator-- (mpz_t x) |
static mpz_t | operator* (mpz_t x, mpz_t y) |
static mpz_t | operator* (int x, mpz_t y) |
static mpz_t | operator* (mpz_t x, int y) |
static mpz_t | operator* (uint x, mpz_t y) |
static mpz_t | operator* (mpz_t x, uint y) |
static mpz_t | operator/ (mpz_t x, mpz_t y) |
static mpz_t | operator/ (mpz_t x, int y) |
static mpz_t | operator/ (mpz_t x, uint y) |
static mpz_t | operator& (mpz_t x, mpz_t y) |
static mpz_t | operator| (mpz_t x, mpz_t y) |
static mpz_t | operator^ (mpz_t x, mpz_t y) |
static mpz_t | operator% (mpz_t x, mpz_t mod) |
static mpz_t | operator% (mpz_t x, int mod) |
static mpz_t | operator% (mpz_t x, uint mod) |
static bool | operator< (mpz_t x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator< (int x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator< (mpz_t x, int y) |
static bool | operator< (uint x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator< (mpz_t x, uint y) |
static bool | operator< (long x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator< (mpz_t x, long y) |
static bool | operator< (ulong x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator< (mpz_t x, ulong y) |
static bool | operator< (float x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator< (mpz_t x, float y) |
static bool | operator< (double x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator< (mpz_t x, double y) |
static bool | operator<= (mpz_t x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator<= (int x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator<= (mpz_t x, int y) |
static bool | operator<= (uint x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator<= (mpz_t x, uint y) |
static bool | operator<= (long x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator<= (mpz_t x, long y) |
static bool | operator<= (ulong x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator<= (mpz_t x, ulong y) |
static bool | operator<= (float x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator<= (mpz_t x, float y) |
static bool | operator<= (double x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator<= (mpz_t x, double y) |
static bool | operator> (mpz_t x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator> (int x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator> (mpz_t x, int y) |
static bool | operator> (uint x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator> (mpz_t x, uint y) |
static bool | operator> (long x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator> (mpz_t x, long y) |
static bool | operator> (ulong x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator> (mpz_t x, ulong y) |
static bool | operator> (float x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator> (mpz_t x, float y) |
static bool | operator> (double x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator> (mpz_t x, double y) |
static bool | operator>= (mpz_t x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator>= (int x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator>= (mpz_t x, int y) |
static bool | operator>= (uint x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator>= (mpz_t x, uint y) |
static bool | operator>= (long x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator>= (mpz_t x, long y) |
static bool | operator>= (ulong x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator>= (mpz_t x, ulong y) |
static bool | operator>= (float x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator>= (mpz_t x, float y) |
static bool | operator>= (double x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator>= (mpz_t x, double y) |
static mpz_t | operator<< (mpz_t x, int shiftAmount) |
static mpz_t | operator>> (mpz_t x, int shiftAmount) |
static mpz_t | Power (int x, int exponent) |
static mpz_t | Power (uint x, uint exponent) |
static mpz_t | Gcd (mpz_t x, mpz_t y) |
static mpz_t | Gcd (mpz_t x, int y) |
static mpz_t | Gcd (int x, mpz_t y) |
static mpz_t | Gcd (mpz_t x, uint y) |
static mpz_t | Gcd (uint x, mpz_t y) |
static mpz_t | Gcd (mpz_t x, mpz_t y, out mpz_t a, out mpz_t b) |
static mpz_t | Gcd (mpz_t x, mpz_t y, out mpz_t a) |
static mpz_t | Lcm (mpz_t x, mpz_t y) |
static mpz_t | Lcm (mpz_t x, int y) |
static mpz_t | Lcm (int x, mpz_t y) |
static mpz_t | Lcm (mpz_t x, uint y) |
static mpz_t | Lcm (uint x, mpz_t y) |
static int | LegendreSymbol (mpz_t x, mpz_t primeY) |
static int | JacobiSymbol (mpz_t x, mpz_t y) |
static int | JacobiSymbol (mpz_t x, int y) |
static int | JacobiSymbol (int x, mpz_t y) |
static int | JacobiSymbol (mpz_t x, uint y) |
static int | JacobiSymbol (uint x, mpz_t y) |
static int | KroneckerSymbol (mpz_t x, mpz_t y) |
static int | KroneckerSymbol (mpz_t x, int y) |
static int | KroneckerSymbol (int x, mpz_t y) |
static int | KroneckerSymbol (mpz_t x, uint y) |
static int | KroneckerSymbol (uint x, mpz_t y) |
static mpz_t | Factorial (int x) |
static mpz_t | Factorial (uint x) |
static mpz_t | Binomial (mpz_t n, uint k) |
static mpz_t | Binomial (mpz_t n, int k) |
static mpz_t | Binomial (uint n, uint k) |
static mpz_t | Binomial (int n, int k) |
static mpz_t | Fibonacci (int n) |
static mpz_t | Fibonacci (uint n) |
static mpz_t | Fibonacci (int n, out mpz_t previous) |
static mpz_t | Fibonacci (uint n, out mpz_t previous) |
static mpz_t | Lucas (int n) |
static mpz_t | Lucas (uint n) |
static mpz_t | Lucas (int n, out mpz_t previous) |
static mpz_t | Lucas (uint n, out mpz_t previous) |
static bool | operator== (mpz_t x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator== (int x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator== (mpz_t x, int y) |
static bool | operator== (uint x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator== (mpz_t x, uint y) |
static bool | operator== (long x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator== (mpz_t x, long y) |
static bool | operator== (ulong x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator== (mpz_t x, ulong y) |
static bool | operator== (float x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator== (mpz_t x, float y) |
static bool | operator== (double x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator== (mpz_t x, double y) |
static bool | operator!= (mpz_t x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator!= (int x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator!= (mpz_t x, int y) |
static bool | operator!= (uint x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator!= (mpz_t x, uint y) |
static bool | operator!= (long x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator!= (mpz_t x, long y) |
static bool | operator!= (ulong x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator!= (mpz_t x, ulong y) |
static bool | operator!= (float x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator!= (mpz_t x, float y) |
static bool | operator!= (double x, mpz_t y) |
static bool | operator!= (mpz_t x, double y) |
static int | Compare (mpz_t x, object y) |
static int | Compare (object x, mpz_t y) |
static int | Compare (mpz_t x, mpz_t y) |
static int | Compare (mpz_t x, int y) |
static int | Compare (int x, mpz_t y) |
static int | Compare (mpz_t x, uint y) |
static int | Compare (uint x, mpz_t y) |
static int | Compare (mpz_t x, long y) |
static int | Compare (long x, mpz_t y) |
static int | Compare (mpz_t x, ulong y) |
static int | Compare (ulong x, mpz_t y) |
static int | Compare (mpz_t x, double y) |
static int | Compare (double x, mpz_t y) |
static int | CompareAbs (mpz_t x, object y) |
static int | CompareAbs (object x, mpz_t y) |
static int | CompareAbs (mpz_t x, mpz_t y) |
static int | CompareAbs (mpz_t x, int y) |
static int | CompareAbs (int x, mpz_t y) |
static int | CompareAbs (mpz_t x, uint y) |
static int | CompareAbs (uint x, mpz_t y) |
static int | CompareAbs (mpz_t x, long y) |
static int | CompareAbs (long x, mpz_t y) |
static int | CompareAbs (mpz_t x, ulong y) |
static int | CompareAbs (ulong x, mpz_t y) |
static int | CompareAbs (mpz_t x, double y) |
static int | CompareAbs (double x, mpz_t y) |
static implicit | operator mpz_t (byte value) |
static implicit | operator mpz_t (int value) |
static implicit | operator mpz_t (uint value) |
static implicit | operator mpz_t (short value) |
static implicit | operator mpz_t (ushort value) |
static implicit | operator mpz_t (long value) |
static implicit | operator mpz_t (ulong value) |
static implicit | operator mpz_t (float value) |
static implicit | operator mpz_t (double value) |
static | operator mpz_t (string value) |
static | operator byte (mpz_t value) |
static | operator int (mpz_t value) |
static | operator uint (mpz_t value) |
static | operator short (mpz_t value) |
static | operator ushort (mpz_t value) |
static | operator long (mpz_t value) |
static | operator ulong (mpz_t value) |
static | operator float (mpz_t value) |
static | operator double (mpz_t value) |
static | operator string (mpz_t value) |